Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Caleb's new room

a big project down... we needed to move caleb into the "orange room" - the former office / exercise / junk room, and get his room ready for carly. so, this weekend, my mom took caleb for most of the day a couple of friends (marta & tara) joined us and we got the rooms done. 2 rooms painted (5 coats) and the furniture moved! i got a pic as we started the primer coat, and meant to get more in process, but didn't.... but i got some after we got the furniture moved and put back - caleb's room is green and carly's is purple...
so, caleb loves his new room. it guess it helps that it is filled with "big boy" stuff. his bed and furniture and toyboxes - and not the baby crib! he loves to play in his new room - which has cut out a lot of tv time too!