Thursday, March 19, 2009

pre-bday fun!

nathan wanted me to open my bday present tonight, so i did, and it just might be the best present ever! it was our wedding pics! if you don't know, they have been held hostage for several years. a couple was going to look at them to get an idea of what to do with the church for their wedding, and then they disappeared, along with our pictures. we've made several attempts over the years to get them back with no success. i had pretty much settled with the fact that they were gone forever, i kinda figured they had lost them and that's why the run-around. nathan worked pretty hard for the past week, showing up at their house several times and talking with one of their moms, and got them back - that's my dog. unfortunately they smell like a serious ash tray, but the pics are still good and the album is airing out in the garage. we have our wedding pictures!!!!!

so, if you read the post about the baby showers, you know that the first stroller didn't have a rotating front wheel, and therefore, wouldn't fit in my trunk. well, here's caleb helping daddy put that stationary wheel on the stroller, which soon came off and was returned. then today... i got the stroller... nathan put it together... the front wheel turns, and it fits in my trunk... YAY, usable double jogging stroller in my trunk.


Teagan said...

i'm so happy about your pics leslie! yay for nathan!!!

Evan and Marta said...

You got your pictures back?!?!?! Hooray! I can sleep at night. Seriously, that make me sick that they weren't returned years ago. AND your stroller is here! What a great way to start this Friday. AND Happy Birthday to You!!

Tracy and Mark said...

glad to hear the wedding picture mystery has been solved! and that stroller looks fantastic. happy birthday!

ironic that marta's comment says she can now sleep at night, yet is adding that comment to your blog at almost 4 in the morning. go to bed!!!