Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween

so, on halloween we set out to see the grandparents and the great grandparents too. i took our costume with us because when asked if he wanted to put on tigger, the answer was "no." so off we went with our 'under the costume clothes.' grandad shared a snickers with me and here are my cousins, iron man (jace) and little g.i. (gavin).

But, once we got to the crass's for our annual small group halloween party on the driveway, we went inside for a diaper change and instead of asking, we just dressed him in tigger..... stinkin cute, huh!

these next great pics are thanks to our good friend tracy who went on the trick-or-treating adventure with us and got some good shots for us. here is caleb before the trick-or-treating, just running up and down the sidewalk. the little sock hopper in the back of the pic is kate. it's at her house that we have small group and had the annual halloween party in the drive way. for more pics of the party, you can visit tracy's blog at

so, here we go.... we had a hard time understanding all the rules associated with trick-or-treating. he understood saying trick-or-treat and getting candy, but didn't want to hold his pumkin candy holder at the same time. i guess it was so much fun, he decided to just walk right in this neighbor's house......and he got a sucker very early on and didn't understand that waiting to eat it stuff, so he snacked on a green apple dum-dum for the evening, which got knocked out of his hand at one point by a herd of stampeeding school-aged kids. although this was pretty traumatic, nathan fixed it by licking off the dirt - thanks for saving the night, dad!

over all, it was a very successful first time trick-or-treating

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