Tuesday, April 14, 2009

First night down. The hospital does not have a nursery to send the baby to, we had hoped there was one so we could get some sleep. Oh well. She was up around 0230 and every time we tried to lay her back down she would end up crying within 10-15 minutes, we tried to sooth her in her bed, but that did not work. She finally conceded around 0500. Breastfeeding has been going really well, and all of her plumbing works. We have not had to change her poopie diaper, the nurses have encountered that when they have been checking her and have done it! Now that we are up she does not want to be. Leslie was going to try and feed her but she is zonked out. Hope this doesn't mean that she has her days and nights mixed up! Everyone is doing good. Thank you all for your prayers and comments, it truly has been uplifting!

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