Thursday, April 2, 2009

Here's Carly!

well... kinda. we went to the doctor today and have a little more dialation than last week, but other parts weren't ready enough to schedule a induction yet, so we are scheduled to be induced the 13th, if all parts are favorable at our appt next week and assuming she doesn't come on her own first. so after the bad news of "not yet" they sent us for an ultrasound, which we waited for for a long time, while they paraded calhoun's in front of us - well, their staff ordered take out for lunch, really they just walked past us with it and it smelled delicious. so after not getting the news we hoped for, and having to smell deliciousness that we couldn't have... we got to see carly, which pretty much made it worth the wait. here's her little side profile and then her sucking her TOE! that's right, not her thumb, her toe. we have a little toe sucker!

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