Sunday, April 19, 2009

things that go SQUIRT in the night

so, one thing that's better about baby girls is that you dont have to dodge the stream of pee when changing a diaper... well... dodging still necessary. last night i was changing her diaper in the middle of her feeding (it wakes her up enough to finish eating). by now, i've learnd to put a clean diaper under her bum before i move the dirty one - they poop without warning - which i no longer have to do with caleb. anyhow, as i had her legs/bum up to clean off some poo, she pooped again, and again. since it started to go up her back, i lifted her up a little more - bad move - she shot poo at me - kinda like a monkey, but no hands needed. it got on everything: her pjs, socks, my pj pants, my blanket, our sheets. at least it was 9ish and not in the middle of the night. but after we all got changed, including our bed, she slept great, and we did too!

1 comment:

Evan and Marta said...

Hooray for a good night's sleep! I remember projectile poo when Kate was less than a week old. Not fun.