Saturday, April 25, 2009

some pics from home

So, we are trying the potty seat that goes over the real potty (something different to be excited about)- it's a big boy potty.... we'll see how that goes! as i was trying to get a picture of carly with her eyes open, caleb wanted in on the action, so here he is, coloring, and saying "cheese." and here he is with the goggles on his head, talking on his phone, probably to grandad - he likes to talk to grandad on his phone. he's so funny :-)

carly has been opening her eyes a little more, still not much. i tried to get a shot of her with her eyes open and looking forward - this is the best i could do... but here are her eyes. it's a big deal when she opens her eyes, caleb announces when they come open, and he usually gets close to her and says "hello carly carly carly" - its pretty cute. and here she is with her cousin hallie - sweet pic, huh!

1 comment:

Teagan said...

i love your sweet little family :) can't wait for our sams run.